داستان آبیدیک

If you don't mind

ɪf jʊ dont ma͡ind


1 عمومی:: اگر ایرادی‌ ندارید

لغت نامه استاندارد انگلیسی به فارسی


1 general:: Phrase(s): If you don’t mind! 1. an expression that rebukes someone for some minor social violation. • When Bill accidentally sat on Mary’s purse, which she had placed in the seat next to her, she said, somewhat angrily, "If you don’t mind!" • Bill (pushing his way in front of Mary in the checkout line): Excuse me. Mary: If you don’t mind! I was here first! Bill: I’m in a hurry. Mary: So am I! 2. a polite way of introducing a request. • Bill: If you don’t mind, could you move a little to the left? Sally: No problem. (moving) Is that all right? Bill: Yeah. Great! Thanks! • Jane: If you don’t mind, could I have your broccoli? John: Help yourself. 3. a vague phrase answering yes to a question that asks whether one should do something. • Tom: Do you want me to take these dirty dishes away? Mary: If you don’t mind. • Bill: Shall I close the door? Sally: If you don’t mind.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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